
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /robots.txt
# Route name Path Log
1 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
2 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
3 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
4 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
5 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
6 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
7 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
8 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
9 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
10 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
11 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
12 signup /api/signup/{hotelcode} Path does not match
13 activateAccountuser /api/activateAccount/{useremail} Path does not match
14 ResendMailVerification /api/ResendMailVerification/{useremail}/{token}/{hotelcode} Path does not match
15 ForgetPasswordMail /api/ForgetPassword/{email}/{hotelcode} Path does not match
16 resetpassworduser /api/resetpassword/{token} Path does not match
17 UpdateProfileUser /api/UpdateProfile/{token} Path does not match
18 HotelInfo /api/HotelInfo/{code} Path does not match
19 HotelAvailibility /api/HotelAvailibility/{code} Path does not match
20 checkRate /api/checkRate/{code}/{roomid}/{Boardid} Path does not match
21 hotelbookingstripe /api/hotelbooking/stripe/{code} Path does not match
22 hotelbookingclic2pay /api/hotelbooking/clic2pay/{code} Path does not match
23 hotelbooking /api/hotelbooking/{code} Path does not match
24 UpdateAgenceMarkup /api/UpdateAgenceMarkup Path does not match
25 ShowCreditHistory /api/CreditHistory Path does not match
26 ShowCreditHistoryBydate /api/CreditHistoryByDate Path does not match
27 ShowBookingHistory /api/ShowBookingHistory Path does not match
28 ShowBookingHistoryByref /api/ShowBookingHistoryByref Path does not match
29 CancelReservation /api/CancelReservation Path does not match
30 HotelAvailibilityCS /api/HotelAvailibilityCS/{code} Path does not match
31 checkRateCS /api/checkRateCS/{code}/{roomid}/{Boardid} Path does not match
32 Checkonline /api/Checkonline Path does not match
33 GenerateApikey /Apikey/GenerateApikey Path does not match
34 HotelAvailibilityXML /hotel-api/1.0/HotelAvailibility Path does not match
35 checkRateXML /hotel-api/1.0/checkRate Path does not match
36 CancelReservationXML /hotel-api/1.0/CancelReservation Path does not match
37 BookingListXML /hotel-api/1.0/BookingList Path does not match
38 hotelbookingXML /hotel-api/1.0/hotelbooking Path does not match
39 ContentHotels /hotel-api/1.1/Content-v1/hotels Path does not match
40 ContentRooms /hotel-api/1.1/Content-v1/rooms Path does not match
41 ContentCountries /hotel-api/1.1/Content-v1/countries Path does not match
42 ContentCities /hotel-api/1.1/Content-v1/cities Path does not match
43 Contentboards /hotel-api/1.1/Content-v1/boards Path does not match
44 ContentAccomodation /hotel-api/1.1/Content-v1/accomodations Path does not match
45 Contentcategories /hotel-api/1.1/Content-v1/categories Path does not match
46 Contentcurrencies /hotel-api/1.1/Content-v1/currencies Path does not match
47 Contentfacilities /hotel-api/1.1/Content-v1/facilities Path does not match
48 Contentlanguages /hotel-api/1.1/Content-v1/languages Path does not match
49 Contentsegments /hotel-api/1.1/Content-v1/segments Path does not match
50 overview /AffiliateManagement/account/{id}/overview Path does not match
51 setting /AffiliateManagement/account/{id}/setting Path does not match
52 billing /AffiliateManagement/account/{id}/billing Path does not match
53 statment /AffiliateManagement/account/{id}/statment Path does not match
54 budget /AffiliateManagement/account/{id}/budget Path does not match
55 securty /AffiliateManagement/account/{id}/securty Path does not match
56 users /AffiliateManagement/account/{id}/users Path does not match
57 adduser /AffiliateManagement/account/{id}/adduser Path does not match
58 updUser /AffiliateManagement/account/{id}/updUser Path does not match
59 apikey /AffiliateManagement/account/{id}/apikey Path does not match
60 saveApi /AffiliateManagement/{id}/saveApi Path does not match
61 updateApi /AffiliateManagement/{idu}/{id}/updateApi Path does not match
62 saveBudget /AffiliateManagement/{id}/saveBudget Path does not match
63 updAccount /AffiliateManagement/{id}/updAccount Path does not match
64 changepassword /AffiliateManagement/{id}/changepassword Path does not match
65 changeemail /AffiliateManagement/{id}/changeemail Path does not match
66 addAddressBilling /AffiliateManagement/{id}/addAddressBilling Path does not match
67 updAddress /AffiliateManagement/updAddress/{id} Path does not match
68 deleteAddress /AffiliateManagement/deleteAddress/{id} Path does not match
69 deleteUser /AffiliateManagement/deleteUser/{id} Path does not match
70 desactivateAccount /AffiliateManagement/desactivateAccount/{id} Path does not match
71 activateAccount /AffiliateManagement/activateAccount/{id} Path does not match
72 AffiliateList /AffiliateManagement/AffiliateList Path does not match
73 B2B /AffiliateManagement/B2BList Path does not match
74 B2C /AffiliateManagement/B2CList Path does not match
75 corporate /AffiliateManagement/corporateList Path does not match
76 particular /AffiliateManagement/particularList Path does not match
77 addAccount /AffiliateManagement/addAccount Path does not match
78 cityFilter /AffiliateManagement/cityFilter Path does not match
79 DestinationFilter /AffiliateManagement/DestinationFilter Path does not match
80 checkemail /AffiliateManagement/checkemail Path does not match
81 bookingWindow /{slug}/bookingWindow Path does not match
82 addBookingwindowPeriod /{slug}/addBookingwindowPeriod Path does not match
83 addBookingwindow /{slug}/addBookingwindow Path does not match
84 updBookingwindow /updBookingwindow/{id} Path does not match
85 Getdaystay /Getdaystay/{id} Path does not match
86 deleteBookingwindow /deleteBookingwindow/{id} Path does not match
87 bookingwindowView /{slug}/bookingwindow/{id} Path does not match
88 datestayUpdateSingle /datestayUpdateSingle/{id}/{idP} Path does not match
89 deletedatestaySingle /deletedatestaySingle/{id} Path does not match
90 bookingwindowUpdate /bookingwindowUpdate/{id} Path does not match
91 calendarAvaibility /{slug}/calendarAvailibility/ Path does not match
92 getrooms /{slug}/getrooms/ Path does not match
93 getreservation /{slug}/getreservation/ Path does not match
94 addReservation /{slug}/addReservation/ Path does not match
95 api_calendrier /api/{slug}/calendrier Path does not match
96 contrats /contrats/{slug} Path does not match
97 addContract /addcontract/{id}} Path does not match
98 updateContract /updatecontract/{id}} Path does not match
99 deleteContrat /deleteContrat/{id} Path does not match
100 ajaxExtra /ajaxExtra Path does not match
101 contratDetail /contrats/{slug}/contratDetail/{slug2} Path does not match
102 addcontractBoard /addcontractBoard/{id} Path does not match
103 addcontractExtra /addcontractExtra/{id} Path does not match
104 deleteContractBoard /deleteContractBoard/{id} Path does not match
105 deleteContractExtra /deleteContractExtra/{id} Path does not match
106 contratCopy /contratCopy/{id} Path does not match
107 desactivateContract /desactivateContract/{id} Path does not match
108 activateContract /activateContract/{id} Path does not match
109 contratsroom /contratsroom/{slug} Path does not match
110 addContractroom /addcontractroom/{id}} Path does not match
111 updateContractroom /updatecontractroom/{id}} Path does not match
112 deleteContratroom /deleteContratroom/{id} Path does not match
113 contratDetailroom /contrats/{slug}/contratDetailroom/{slug2} Path does not match
114 contratCopyroom /contratCopyroom/{id} Path does not match
115 desactivateContractroom /desactivateContractroom/{id} Path does not match
116 activateContractroom /activateContractroom/{id} Path does not match
117 index /index Path does not match
118 DestinationZonesFilter /DestinationZonesFilter Path does not match
119 HotelDetails /HotelDetails/{slug} Path does not match
120 updatedatabase /updatedatabase Path does not match
121 HotelUploadImages /HotelUploadImages/{slug} Path does not match
122 HotelDeleteImages /HotelDeleteImages/{slug} Path does not match
123 DisableHotel /DisableHotel/{slug} Path does not match
124 HotelOverview /{slug}/HotelOverview Path does not match
125 invoiceview /{slug}/HotelOverview/invoice Path does not match
126 OnlineList /OnlineList Path does not match
127 InvoiceList /FinancialManagement/InvoiceList Path does not match
128 InvoiceDetail /FinancialManagement/InvoiceDetail/{id} Path does not match
129 ReservationDetail /FinancialManagement/ReservationDetail/{id} Path does not match
130 ProformaList /FinancialManagement/ProformaList Path does not match
131 generer_voucher /generer_voucher/{reference} Path does not match
132 generer_proforma /generer_proforma/{reference} Path does not match
133 view_voucher /view_voucher/{reference} Path does not match
134 view_proforma /view_proforma/{reference} Path does not match
135 generer_email /generer_email/{reference} Path does not match
136 generer_email_cancel /generer_email_cancel/{reference} Path does not match
137 Accommodations /HotelSettings/Accommodations Path does not match
138 accommodation_delete /HotelSettings/Accommodation/{id} Path does not match
139 accommodationUpdate /HotelSettings/accommodationUpdate/{id} Path does not match
140 BankList /HotelSettings/BankList Path does not match
141 BankAdd /HotelSettings/BankAdd Path does not match
142 bankUpd /HotelSettings/BankUpd/{id} Path does not match
143 deleteBank /HotelSettings/deleteBank/{id} Path does not match
144 BoardsList /HotelSettings/BoardsList Path does not match
145 BoardsAdd /HotelSettings/Boardadd Path does not match
146 BoardsUpd /HotelSettings/BoardUpd/{id} Path does not match
147 deleteBoard /HotelSettings/deleteBoard/{id} Path does not match
148 Categories /HotelSettings/Categories Path does not match
149 category_delete /HotelSettings/Category/{id} Path does not match
150 categoryUpdate /HotelSettings/categoryUpdate/{id} Path does not match
151 Currencies /HotelSettings/Currencies Path does not match
152 currency_delete /HotelSettings/Currency/{id} Path does not match
153 currencyUpdate /HotelSettings/currencyUpdate/{id} Path does not match
154 ExtraList /HotelSettings/ExtraList Path does not match
155 ExtraAdd /HotelSettings/ExtraAdd Path does not match
156 ExtraUpd /HotelSettings/ExtraUpd/{id} Path does not match
157 deleteExtra /HotelSettings/deleteExtra/{id} Path does not match
158 Facilities /HotelSettings/Facilities Path does not match
159 deleteFacilityGroup /HotelSettings/deleteFacilityGroup/{id} Path does not match
160 deleteFacility /HotelSettings/deleteFacility/{id} Path does not match
161 GetFacilitiesByGroup /HotelSettings/GetFacilitiesByGroup/{id} Path does not match
162 facilityUpdate /HotelSettings/facilityUpdate/{id} Path does not match
163 facilityUpdateSingle /HotelSettings/facilityUpdateSingle/{id} Path does not match
164 deleteFacilitySingle /HotelSettings/deleteFacilitySingle/{id} Path does not match
165 interestpoints /HotelSettings/interestpoints Path does not match
166 interestpoints_delete /HotelSettings/interestpoints/{id} Path does not match
167 interestpointsUpdate /HotelSettings/interestpointsUpdate/{id} Path does not match
168 Issues /HotelSettings/Issues Path does not match
169 issues /HotelSettings/issues/{id} Path does not match
170 issuesUpdate /HotelSettings/issuesUpdate/{id} Path does not match
171 Language /HotelSettings/Language Path does not match
172 language_delete /HotelSettings/Language/{id} Path does not match
173 languageUpdate /HotelSettings/languageUpdate/{id} Path does not match
174 ParametreReductionList /HotelSettings/ReductionsettingList Path does not match
175 reductionAdd /HotelSettings/reductionAdd Path does not match
176 reductionUpd /HotelSettings/reductionUpd/{id} Path does not match
177 deletereduction /HotelSettings/deletereduction/{id} Path does not match
178 roomtype /HotelSettings/roomtype Path does not match
179 roomtype_delete /HotelSettings/roomtype/{id} Path does not match
180 roomtypeUpdate /HotelSettings/roomtypeUpdate/{id} Path does not match
181 Segments /HotelSettings/Segments Path does not match
182 segment_delete /HotelSettings/Segments/{id} Path does not match
183 segmentUpdate /HotelSettings/segmentUpdate/{id} Path does not match
184 promotions /{slug}/promotions Path does not match
185 addPromotion /{slug}/addPromotion Path does not match
186 promotionDetail /promotionDetail/{id} Path does not match
187 promotionUpdate /promotionUpdate/{id} Path does not match
188 deletePromotion /deletePromotion/{id} Path does not match
189 promotionView /{slug}/promotionView/{id} Path does not match
190 addChildPromotion /addChildPromotion/{id} Path does not match
191 addPromotionBoard /addPromotionBoard/{id} Path does not match
192 addPromotionNight /addPromotionNight/{id} Path does not match
193 deletePromotionNight /deletePromotionNight/{id} Path does not match
194 deletePromotionBoard /deletePromotionBoard/{id} Path does not match
195 deletePromotionChild /deletePromotionChild/{id} Path does not match
196 desactivatePromotion /desactivatePromotion/{id} Path does not match
197 activatePromotion /activatePromotion/{id} Path does not match
198 contratDiscount /{slug1}/contrat/{slug}/discount Path does not match
199 addBabyReduction /addBabyReduction/{id} Path does not match
200 addChildReduction /addChildReduction/{id} Path does not match
201 addLitReduction /addLitReduction/{id} Path does not match
202 deleteReduction /deleteReduction/{id} Path does not match
203 copyReduction /copyReduction Path does not match
204 rooms /{slug}/rooms Path does not match
205 addRoom /{slug}/addRoom Path does not match
206 roomDetail /{slug}/{id}/roomDetail Path does not match
207 RoomUploadImages /RoomUploadImages Path does not match
208 RoomDeleteImages /RoomDeleteImages Path does not match
209 deleteRoom /deleteRoom/{id} Path does not match
210 stopsales /{slug}/stopsales Path does not match
211 stopsalesView /{slug}/stopsales_view/{id} Path does not match
212 stopsales_viewrooms /{slug}/stopsales_viewrooms/{id} Path does not match
213 addStopsales /{slug}/addStopsales Path does not match
214 addStopsalesRoom /{slug}/addStopsalesRoom Path does not match
215 updStopsales /updStopsales/{id} Path does not match
216 updStopsalesRooms /updStopsalesRooms/{id} Path does not match
217 deleteStopsales /deleteStopsales/{id} Path does not match
218 signin /signin Path does not match
219 UsersPermissions /UserManagement/UsersPermissions Path does not match
220 addPermission /UserManagement/addPermission} Path does not match
221 updPermission /UserManagement/updPermission/{id} Path does not match
222 deletePermission /UserManagement/deletePermission/{id} Path does not match
223 UsersRoles /UserManagement/UsersRoles Path does not match
224 ajaxPermissions /UserManagement/ajaxPermissions/{id} Path does not match
225 addRole /UserManagement/addRole} Path does not match
226 updRole /UserManagement/updRole/{id} Path does not match
227 UsersList /UserManagement/UsersList Path does not match
228 addadminuser /UserManagement/adduser Path does not match
229 UsersRolesList /UserManagement/UsersRolesList Path does not match
230 updUseradmin /UserManagement/{id}/updUseradmin Path does not match
231 deleteUseradmin /UserManagement/deleteUseradmin/{id} Path does not match
232 home / Path does not match
233 checkout /create-checkout-session/{price}/{hotelid} Path does not match
234 retrievecheckout /retrieve-checkout-session/{sessionid} Path does not match
235 decodecheckout /decode-checkout-session/{session} Path does not match
236 app_login /login Path does not match
237 app_logout /logout Path does not match
238 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
239 api_login_check /api/login_check Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.